Lennertz has composed a great action score full of 60s flavour but also appropriate for a modern-game, with plenty of Barry quotes and many references to the Bond theme. If this ever gets a commercial release, get it! (FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE)
- Score Wars
Probably as fine a horror score as you’re likely to come across these days. (SAINT SINNER)
- Tom Daish, Soundtrack Express
It’s a testament to Lennertz’ talent that his output was so significant with this score that it left me wanting to hear so much more... (MEDAL OF HONOR: EUROPEAN ASSAULT)
- Score Notes
Lennertz has stepped up to the task… And has delivered. 'Medal of Honor: Rising Sun' is a welcome addition to the 'Medal of Honor' game series.
- Mike Brennan, Cinemusic.net
Lennertz subtly wrenches the soul in ‘Maggie Dies’ and gives us a hopeful lament as a comforting friend in our own difficult times… (REVOLUTION)
- ScoreCues
One thing that stands out from the music is how energetic it is – and loud. Lennertz obviously threw himself at this, and with great results. It’s a full Western caper that is always on the move. (GUN)
- Score Wars
Lennertz is really in his element here, using the orchestra to its fullest potential, writing action music full of danger, intensity, movement, and brute force power...There is some dense, fiendishly complicated writing going on...and it’s enormously satisfying when you realize...how clever it is. (LOST IN SPACE: SEASON 1)
- Movie Music UK
'America!' showcases the skills of a composer seemingly equally adept at scoring corn fields as he is scoring crack house busts.
- Ryan Keaveney, Cinemusic.net
Wringing a gloriously bombastic score out of the 70-piece Budapest Film Orchestra and Chorus, this is a 'choir and brimstone' score that reaches peaks of both transcendent spiritualistic beauty and malevolent darkness. (SAINT SINNER)
- Creature Corner
Starts off slowly… and then its bang zoom into the terror. (SUPERNATURAL)
- Tom Kiefner, Golden Scores
For 'Identity Thief' the score works wonders by having a large amount of character infused into the score. You can feel a personality behind the music, not just the music’s own personality but the film’s characters’ personality…
- Film. Music. Media.
Christopher Lennertz has written an original score unlike any you will find elsewhere in the world of video games. (MEDAL OF HONOR: RISING SUN)
- Colin Moriarty, IGN
The epitome of the best kind of space adventure music. It...keeps a smile on my face from start to finish. (LOST IN SPACE: SEASON 1)
- Soundtrack Dreams
After opening with a rousing and raunchy musical number...you’ll find a movie with a lot of heart and big ideas to ponder. (SAUSAGE PARTY)
Maybe the most amazing thing about Sausage Party is the music….absolutely perfect...something that is going to be worthy of a lot more accolades than it may get, because of the aforementioned avalanche of foul language.
- Movieweb
I can’t help but be impressed at the sheer bravado and orchestral panache Lennertz shows in these cues. Majestic orchestral writing of this magnitude gets fairly short shrift these days, and it needs to be lauded whenever it appears. (SAUSAGE PARTY)
- Movie Music UK
Immaculate and quite impressive...it works brilliantly. This could be an epic battle from Star Trek if you wanted it to be. The music is humongous! (SAUSAGE PARTY)
- Film and VG Soundtrack Reviews
I feel as if I’m listening to an exciting adventure score in the first moments of “Sausage party”...it’s pure adrenaline joy.
The music branch will also have options with the film’s glorious opening number “The Great Beyond”...it can go down in history with similar nominees like “Blame Canada.” (SAUSAGE PARTY)
- Awardscircuit.com
To say that this score is impressive is something of an understatement; it puts most modern film music to shame. (MEDAL OF HONOR: RISING SUN)
- James Southall, Movie Wave
Lennertz really gets a chance to stretch out and show us what he’s capable of. (SAINT SINNER)
- Dan Goldwasser, SoundtrackNet
'Thanks For Sharing' is a great score. It hits the emotional beats precisely when they need hitting. The film contains lots of source music and songs, which the score works hand in hand with. This may be a short score, but the journey is worth taking.
- Film. Music. Media.
...the moments of action and horror which impress the most. Lennertz goes all out and full-on...in a no-holds-barred orgy of death and destruction...it’s classic orchestral action writing of the highest order – the sort of stuff people like Jerry Goldsmith, John Williams, Alan Silvestri and Basil Poledouris were writing throughout the 1980s and 90s… (SAUSAGE PARTY)
'Saint Sinner' is an extremely accomplished effort that should satisfy fans of gothic horror film music. If you like your music dense, loud and tense enough to shed a few inches off your stomach lining.”
- Ryan Keaveney, Cinemusic.net
Continues the franchise’s tradition for high-quality, orchestral scores – suitable for even a big-budget feature film. (MEDAL OF HONOR: RISING SUN)
- Christopher Coleman, Tracksounds.com
"Sausage Party" has one of the better film scores I've heard recently...It does a great job making you feel like you're watching a film by Disney or Pixar with some thrilling tracks. (SAUSAGE PARTY)
- letterbox.com
This isn’t your typical animated material that the Academy would recognize, but it might be tough for them to ignore. (SAUSAGE PARTY)
- Toddmthatcher.com
An ambitious score with a vast soundscape written for a large orchestra and mixed chorus. (SAINT SINNER)
- Peter Holm, Music from The Movies
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